
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın AB ve ABD'nin Türkiye'ye yönelik son yaptırım tartışmalarını Habertürk TV'ye Değerlendirdi.

14 Aralık 2020

Brüksel'deki AB Liderler Zirvesi'nden Türkiye'ye yönelik bir yaptırım kararı çıkmazken Doğu Akdeniz’deki sondaj faaliyetleriyle bağlantılı kişi ve kuruluşlara dönük yaptırım listesinin genişletilmesi kararının uygulanması önümüzdeki mart ayına ertelendi. Bildiride yer alan "AB, Türkiye ve Doğu Akdeniz'deki durumla ilgili konularda ABD ile koordinasyon içinde olmayı amaçlayacaktır" cümlesi dikkat çekti. Tam da…


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, AB Liderler Zirvesi’nde Türkiye’ye yönelik Çıkan Kararları Ekotürk Tv Genel Yayın Yönetmen Yardımcısı Ali Değermenci’ye değerlendirdi.

14 Aralık 2020

AB Liderler Zirvesi’nde Türkiye’ye yönelik kişisel yaptırım kararı çıktı. Kadir Has Üniversitesi'nden Prof.Dr. Mustafa Aydın, gündemi Ekotürk Tv Genel Yayın Yönetmen Yardımcısı Ali Değermenci’ye değerlendirdi. Aslında bu beklenen bir karardı. Bunun ilk sebebi AB’nin kendi arasında bölünmüş olması. Başta Almanya olmak üzere, Bulgaristan, Macaristan, İtalya, İspanya gibi ülkeler, Türkiye’yi AB’den tamamen uzaklaştıracak yaptırımların…


Koronavirüs Sonrası Dünya

28 Nisan 2020

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın UİK Panorama dergisi için yazdı.   Yeni tip koronavirüsün (Covid-19) uluslararası gündemde yerini almasından bu yana salgının küresel etkileri üzerine çok sayıda fikir yazısına maruz kaldık. Bunların arasında özellikle, ele aldıkları konunun uzmanı olmayan amatör uluslararası ilişkilerciler tarafından kalem alınan büyük bir kısmı, hiçbir şeyin artık…


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Habertürk'te Para Gündem Programı'na Konuk Oldu 27.04.2020

27 Nisan 2020

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın; Habertürk'te yayınlanan Para Gündem programında Türkiye'de normalleşme sürecinde izlenebilecek politikalar, küresel ekonominin içinde bulunduğu risk, devletlerin pandemi sonrasında ne gibi tercihler yapacağı hakkında ve Korona sonrası dönemin uluslararası ortamda neler getireceği hususunda görüşlerini paylaştı.


Avrupa Covid-19 Salgınından Nasıl Etkilendi?

26 Nisan 2020

Covid-19 salgınının İtalya’yı ağır şekilde etkilemeye başladığı günlerde, Çin’den İtalya’ya gönderilen tıbbi maske kolileri üzerine yazılan “bizler aynı denizin dalgaları, aynı ağacın yaprakları, aynı bahçenin çiçekleriyiz” dizeleri küresel dayanışmanın sembolü olarak görüldü. Rusya’nın bir NATO müttefiki olan İtalya’ya dokuz nakliye uçağı ile tıbbi teçhizat, sağlık tugayı personeli, virolog ve epidemiyologlar göndermesi…


Putin’s gambit in Syria

30 Kasım 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Sochi, Russia, on Nov. 22. The trilateral summit was an important juncture in finding a viable political solution for Syria’s six-year civil war, which has claimed nearly half a million lives. Since the early…


Turkey’s Western connection

23 Kasım 2017

Turkey’s relations with the West and its organizations have been turbulent and ambivalent ever since the Republic was established in 1923. Independence was won fighting against Western proxies, and Turkish leaders have never forgotten that Western countries previously tried to divide the country. Although early Republican leaders were able to…


What about Brexit?

26 Ekim 2017

Pundits all over the world and Euro-bureaucrats have been discussing future scenarios for Europe since the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union in June 2016. It was sidelined somewhat in recent months as a result of elections and discussions over the rise of right-wing populist parties across the…


Turkey’s link with European populism

19 Ekim 2017

The trend of rising far-right populist parties in Europe continued with the Austrian parliamentary election on Oct. 15, 2017. While the conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) took the lead with 31.6 percent of the vote in the election, the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) came second with 27.4 percent. As in many…



12 Ekim 2017

The modern international system has been shaped around a few basic principles including territorial integrity and sovereign equality of states, dating back to the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648. These were expanded in time with new concepts such as self-determination, which was first mentioned in the 1860s and was popularized…


What next in Cyprus?

20 Temmuz 2017

The latest attempt to reunite Cyprus failed intense negotiations in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, on July 7. The quintet talks under the auspices of U.N. Secretary-General was seen as the most promising occasion in years with two solution-minded leaders, Nicos Anastasiades of the Republic of Cyprus (RoC) and Mustafa Akıncı of the…


Helmut Kohl’s united Germany and Europe

22 Haziran 2017

Former German Chancellor and statesman Helmut Kohl, the longest-serving postwar Western leader, died at the age of 87 on June 16. Tributes from world leaders showed that Kohl was mostly remembered for his contribution to today’s Germany and European integration. As the architect of the reunification of East and West Germany, he…


Terror threat in Europe

08 Haziran 2017

On the eve of the national elections, Britain was hit by another terrorist attack on June 3 when a group of attackers drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbed bystanders with knives. While the police stopped the assailants by shooting them, the attack left seven people…


European security in the Trump Era

01 Haziran 2017

The NATO summit in Brussels on May 25, three days after the Manchester suicide bomb attack, was an important gathering not only because it brought together the newly elected Donald Trump, Emmanuel Macron and Theresa May with other leaders, but also because they decided to step up NATO’s role in the…


Transatlantic ties

16 Mart 2017

The first meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, originally scheduled for March 14 but postponed to March 17 due to heavy storms, will be an occasion for pundits to compare their characters, policy choices and weight in world politics. More importantly, it will be watched…


The future of Europe and the EU

09 Mart 2017

Amid rising populism, xenophobia, and anti-establishment moods globally, several European countries including the Netherlands, France, Germany, and possibly Italy are preparing for an election cycle that may have significant impact on the future of the EU and indeed Europe. The combination of Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S., Britain’s Brexit…


Türkiye’de muhafazakâr, dindar ve milliyetçi taban büyüyor

01 Mart 2017

Trump’ın ABD başkanlık koltuğuna oturmasıyla başlayan yeni süreçte belirsizlik dönemi halen sürüyor. Henüz seyri tam çizilemeyen Türkiye-ABD ilişkilerini, enerji konusunda öncelikli konu olan ancak tıkanan Kıbrıs görüşmelerini, artan sağ ve sol popülizmin seçimler arifesindeki AB’ye etkilerini, Rusya meselesini, yaklaşan referandum dahil Türk halkının siyasal sosyal eğilimlerini Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü…


Quo Vadis Europe?

09 Şubat 2017

The rise of populist leaders around the world continues to astound many, though it is obvious by now that this will be the defining feature of early 21st century politics. Not long after U.S. President Donald Trump talked about “economic protectionism” and issued a presidential directive to suspend the admission…


Decision time for Cyprus

19 Ocak 2017

The latest talks held between the leaders of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities in Geneva last week, under the auspices of the U.N., failed to produce desired outcomes. The two solution-oriented leaders, Nicos Anastasiades and Mustafa Akıncı, and their teams tried to hammer out their differences on tricky issues…


Good riddance, 2016

29 Aralık 2016

As the year comes to an end, looking back might provide insights for the challenges ahead. 2016 will be remembered as a watershed year in the future for the international system. The unpredictability of change, fear of the unknown and the horrors of unabated violence around the world have stamped…


Untying the EU-Turkey-Cyprus triangle

01 Aralık 2016

The European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution on Nov. 24, recommending that the European Commission and member states temporarily suspend the already frozen accession negotiations with Turkey. Although any formal decision to officially cease negotiations with Turkey requires consensus at the European Council – something nobody expects at the moment…


Checking the winds of populism in Europe

24 Kasım 2016

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s announcement on Nov. 20 that she intended to stand for a fourth term as chancellor in the forthcoming elections in September 2017 was welcomed many in Europe. If successful in the elections, Merkel will become one of the longest serving prime ministers in Germany, matching the…


Trump stump in foreign policy

17 Kasım 2016

Following the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president on Nov. 8, debate on his foreign policy priorities have become the trending topic with their repercussions for the United States and beyond. Although he never explained the details of his policy choices throughout the election campaign, his off-the-cuff remarks about…


Global challenges for the new US president

10 Kasım 2016

After a heated campaign, Americans elected Donald Trump on Nov. 8 as the next president of their country. The result is also important for the international community because of the United States’ global reach. The contest between a Republican businessman and a former Democrat senator and secretary of state presented…


Lessons from the Chilcot Report

21 Temmuz 2016

The U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003 lit the fuse of long-term conflict and chaos not just in Iraq, but also throughout the Middle East. As the Pandora’s Box opened up gradually, ethnic and sectarian strife, radicalism, suicide attacks and all around conflict have become the daily routine for…


Prof. Dr. Aydın; “İŞİD, Suriye ve Irak’ta sıkıştıkça terör saldırılarındaki yöntemini de değiştiriyor”

15 Temmuz 2016

Fransa’daki 14 Temmuz Ulusal Gün kutlamalarında meydana gelen terör saldırısından sonra gözler tekrar terör örgütü İŞİD’e çevrilirken,terör saldırısında kullandığı yöntemde yeni bir tartışma konusu oldu. İstanbul Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Fransa’daki terör saldırısıyla ve İŞİD’in saldırıda kullandığı yöntem ile ilgili dikkat çeken açıklamalarda bulundu. İŞİD’in son…


Tough decisions ahead for Britain

30 Haziran 2016

The European Union has been one of the more successful initiatives in history in advancing peace, democracy and human rights, in addition to the economic and political transformation of not only the European continent but also its neighborhood. Although not a security organization or an alliance per se, it has…


Referandumdan çıkan ayrılık kararı Birleşik Krallık’ın sonunu getirebilir mi?

24 Haziran 2016

Avrupa Birliği (AB) ile yol ayrımına gelen İngiltere kararını verdi. Sabah saatlerinde sonuçları açıklanan Brexit referandumuna göre İngilizler AB’den ayrılma kararı aldı. Kararın İngiltere için olumsuz sonuçlar getirebileceğine dikkat çeken Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, "Bu karar, Birleşik Krallık kavramının sonunu getirecek bir sürecin başlangıcı olabilir" dedi. Günlerdir beklenen ve İngiltere’nin…


Illiberal challenge to European democracy

09 Haziran 2016

Amid the migration crisis, discussions on the Brexit from the EU and widening economic problems, right-wing populist parties are rising across the European continent. The latest example was seen during the presidential elections in Austria, where centrist candidates representing governing parties were eliminated in the first round. During the run-off…


Confronting the past in Bosnia

31 Mart 2016

It has been more than 20 years since the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, popularly known as the Dayton Accords, were signed at a U.S. Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, in November 1995 under the auspices of U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Europe Richard…


Yet another glimmer of hope in Cyprus

21 Ocak 2016

Looking through the recent punditry on Cyprus, one inevitably feels a sense of déjà vu, as there appears to be nothing new regarding the age-old problem of the Eastern Mediterranean. So far, we have witnessed countless the best and the last hopes/chances before the inescapable train crash in the long,…


Turkish perceptions on foreign policy

14 Ocak 2016

Turkey is a complicated country. It’s not just foreign observers – citizens also fail to make sense from time to time given the fast-changing agenda. Thus, regular public opinion surveys are welcome as they provide rare insights about the preferences of the Turkish public. One such survey, the Turkey Social…


Russia’s new strategic posture

07 Ocak 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the last day of 2015, approving a document that updates and replaces Russia’s existing National Security Strategy (NSS) paper, which had been in force since 2009. The updated strategy paper essentially summarizes Russia’s national interests and defines its strategic priorities for the…


European Lockdown

26 Kasım 2015

Europe has been struggling for some time to cope with its disgruntled Muslim minorities, increasing refugee flows, and homegrown terrorists who radicalize through global jihadist cells and gain experience on the ground around the world before returning to create trouble. Europe-wide tension has recently increased following the terrorist attacks in…


Ignore at your own peril

19 Kasım 2015

The series of coordinated gun attacks and suicide bombings in multiple targets in Paris and Beirut on Nov. 13, 2015, killed at least 170 people and severely wounded several hundred. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility of both attacks in France and Lebanon, once again…


Europe’s refugee saga

22 Ekim 2015

The European Union has been struggling to cope with the steady influx of people fleeing from turmoil, conflicts and harsh conditions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia for years. But the matters came to a tipping point after mainly Syrian and Afghan refugees pushed their way onto the EU…


Quo Vadis Hellás?

09 Temmuz 2015

Greece held a referendum on July 5 to decide the future of a country on the brink of economic collapse. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who came to power in January by committing himself to end the austerity measures that have strangulated the country since 2010, while also promising to keep…


Confusion about international affairs

04 Haziran 2015

Although Turkey will hold general elections this Sunday, its foreign policy has been hardly discussed during the propaganda period, except briefly in connection with government’s policies vis-à-vis Syria. Economic promises of contesting parties, discussion on per capita income, unemployment rate and poverty have been dominating the agenda. As in most countries,…


Geniş Karadeniz Havzasından Uluslararası Sisteme Meydan Okumalar

27 Mayıs 2015

Geniş Karadeniz havzasında yaşanan siyasi istikrarsızlıklar, 1989’da Berlin Duvarı’nın yıkılması ve 1991’de Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılması ile sona eren Soğuk Savaş’ın ardından uluslararası sistemi zorlayan en ciddi sıkıntıların başında geliyor. Rusya ve Batı’yı (Avrupa Birliği ve ABD) 21. yüzyılda bir kez daha karşı karşıya getiren son Ukrayna krizi ve takip eden…


Europe’s responsibility toward migrants

30 Nisan 2015

Bu yazı 30.04.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The history of migration correlates closely with the history of humankind. Throughout history, humans have left their homes in search of a new one for social, political and economic reasons or as a result of conflicts, natural disasters and humanitarian catastrophes. According to…


A sliding of democracy

09 Nisan 2015

Bu yazı 09.04.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. When the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union dissolved, a new era of democratic expansionism was heralded, as Francis Fukuyama declared the end of history, optimistically assuming human ideological evolution had ended and liberal democracy ultimately triumphed over the authoritarianism of…


The realignment of the world

02 Nisan 2015

Bu yazı 02.04.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Since the end of the Cold War, the international system has been fluctuating. While the bipolar system has ended, no equivalent is in place yet. In the early days of the post-Cold War era, some talked about the unipolar moment as the…


Europe’s dream army

12 Mart 2015

Bu yazı 12.03.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Amid the debates over whether the Feb. 12, 2015, cease-fire agreement between Ukraine and Russian-supported rebels in the eastern part of the country will hold, and whether the rebels’ next target would be to connect with Russian-occupied Crimea, NATO members including the U.S.,…


Western prevarications

19 Şubat 2015

Bu yazı 19.02.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande brokered a truce between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Feb. 12 in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to subdue the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine. After intense and acrimonious…


2014 Dünyasından Akılda Kalanlar

12 Şubat 2015

Gelenektir; yeni yıl başlayınca eskisinin bilançosu yapılır, geleceğe dair beklentiler dile getirilir. Ben de bu sayıda 2014 boyunca Türkiye’ye yakın coğrafyalarda yaşanan siyasi gelişmeleri gözden geçirerek, geçtiğimiz yıl gündemi meşgul eden yeni ve eski(meyen) sorunlara bakmak, 2015’de önümüzü görmemize yardım edecek süreçleri tanı(mla)mak istedim. Bu tür kısa bir yazıyla tüm…


United western front on Ukraine

12 Şubat 2015

Bu yazı 12.02.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The fighting between government forces and separatists in eastern Ukraine has flared up again despite attempts to ease the tension through a cease-fire agreement, signed in Minsk on Sept. 5, 2014. After a December lull, the separatists renewed their attacks with not-so-hidden…


Winds of change in Europe

29 Ocak 2015

Bu yazı 29.01.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The results of the parliamentary elections in Greece on Jan. 25 were not a surprise. As predicted, an umbrella coalition of the far-left, the Syriza Party, came at the top with 36 percent of the vote, obtaining 149 seats in parliament, two…


What do the Turks want?

22 Ocak 2015

Bu yazı 22.01.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The choices of citizens of a country on various issues are important parts of the inputs that governments receive during their decision-making process, so governments try to gauge the perceptions of the public more or less accurately. In democratic societies, public opinion…


The challenge of non-state extremism

15 Ocak 2015

Bu yazı 15.01.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The massacre at the office of satire magazine Charlie Hebdo in France on Jan. 7, 2015 topped headlines all over the world throughout last week, and world leaders marched across Paris to pay tribute to the victims and protest senseless violence against…


Let the energy games start

18 Aralık 2014

Bu yazı 18.12.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Russian President Vladimir Putin created a sensation when he announced during a visit to Turkey on Dec. 1 that Russia would stop developing the South Stream Gas Project and would instead explore a new pipeline project to transport natural gas to Europe…


'Enerji merkezi' olma yolunda bir adım daha

05 Aralık 2014

"Rusya'nın, Türkiye üzerinden Avrupa'ya gaz taşımak üzere planladığı yeni boru hattı, Türkiye'yi 'enerji merkezi' olma hayaline bir adım daha yaklaştırır." Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, bölgeyi yakından ilgilendiren sorunları ve Putin'in Ankara seyahatini Al Jazeera Türk'e değerlendirdi. Bölgede yaşananlar, Ukrayna’daki durum göz önüne alındığında Putin’in ziyareti ne…


Re-charging the superpower

06 Kasım 2014

While the U.S.-led coalition was busy bombing the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) forces in Iraq and Syria, a recent probe by the Russian Air Force all over NATO air space and beyond brought back memories of the Cold War and further increased tension between Russia and…


Beyond UN Security Council membership

23 Ekim 2014

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC), with its five veto-wielding permanent members and 10 non-permanent members elected for two years, is considered the supreme and most prestigious body in world affairs. Membership in the council provides visibility and prestige, as well as a strong voice over issues on the U.N.…


Türkiye’de Güvenlik: Algı, Politika, Yapı

15 Ekim 2014

ULUSLARARASI İLİŞKİLER, CİLT 11, SAYI 43, GÜZ 2014 Mustafa AYDIN ve Fulya EREKER* Bu çalışmada, toplumunun tarihsel olarak kendine özgü bir güvenlik tanımlaması çerçevesinde inşa edildiğini söyleyebileceğimiz Türkiye’de güvenlik ve strateji kültürünün temel dayanakları, gelişimi ve uygulanışı ele alınacaktır. Bu bağlamda öncelikle Türkiye’nin güvenlik algılamalarının tarihi ve jeopolitik alt yapısına…


Scottish referendum: Dreams vs. realities

25 Eylül 2014

Since the end of the Cold War, the number of sovereign states in the international system has increased, and state borders have changed significantly. The end of the bloc system following the dissolution of the USSR, with accompanying nationalism, triggered violent conflict around the world during the 1990s, leading to…


Friends and foes in the intelligence world

04 Eylül 2014

Bu yazı 04.09.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Intelligence is an essential component of survival in international politics; all states attempt to spy on others. In modern times, information has included not only survival and security, but also trade tactics, economic policy and technological advancements, as well as anything remotely…


Armageddon in the Middle East

19 Haziran 2014

Bu yazı 19.06.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The recent developments in Iraq have once again called the state borders of the Middle East into question. In reality, the initial signs for change came with the end of the Cold War, accelerated with the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and took…


Alarm sounds for multicultural Europe

05 Haziran 2014

Bu yazı 05.06.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The voters from the 28 member states of the European Union (EU) cast their ballots for the European Parliament for four days between May 22 and 25. The results were somewhat expected, but shocking for many nevertheless. The rise of the anti-establishment parties…


Do we need a hegemon?

15 Mayıs 2014

Bu yazı 15.05.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The world systems theory, espoused by Immanuel Wallerstein, identified a number of hegemonic world powers, which had emerged one after the other since the 16th century, to dominate the international system for about a century, then declined and was replaced by another…


What will become of Ukraine?

08 Mayıs 2014

Bu yazı 08.05.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Since the outbreak of the latest crisis in Ukraine in late November 2013, the tension has continued to worsen and the division among citizens has grown, pushing the country nearer to civil war with every passing day. Although the country has so far…


The untenable quadrangle: NATO-US-Russia-Europe

24 Nisan 2014

Bu yazı 24.04.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Russian annexation of Crimea and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine has heightened security concerns of several countries from Baltic to Eastern Europe and from the Caucasus to the Central Asia. NATO’s inability to prevent violations of territorial integrity of its partners, first in Georgia and…


Creating a cyber zone for Europe

20 Şubat 2014

Bu yazı 20.02.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. While we were busy discussing new Internet restrictions and their connection with fundamental freedoms and democratic rights in Turkey, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her enthusiasm this week, in her weekly podcast, to create a secure European network for the protection of data. This…


Public perceptions on Turkish foreign policy

05 Aralık 2013

Bu yazı 05.12.2013 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The volatility of the neighboring countries and impulsive positions taken by the policy makers have profoundly disturbed Turkey’s foreign policy since the beginning of the Arab spring. Avoiding its ever-changing and easily consumed policy pronouncements, ranging from “zero-problem with neighbors” via “regional…


Türkiye’de Güvenlik; Algı, Politika, Yapı

01 Kasım 2013

Güvenlik Çalışmaları Dizisinin sekizincin kitabı, Türkiye’de güvenlik anlayışının ve kavramsallaştırmasının gelişimi ile bu alandaki akademik çalışmaların durumu ve bürokratik yapının işleyişini ele alıyor. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın ve Yrd. Doç. Dr. Fulya Ereker tarafından hazırlanan çalışmada yazarlar, Türkiye’nin güvenlik kültürünün tarihsel ve coğrafi temellerini irdeleyerek, Türkiye’de siyaset yapımının kendine has…


Strateji ve Güvenlik

21 Ekim 2012

Bireylerin varlıklarını sürdürebilmek için su ve yiyecek kadar temel ihtiyaçlarından birisi olan güvenlik, 1940’lardan bu yana Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplininin ana araştırma meseleleri arasında yer alır. Soğuk Savaş yılları boyunca Stratejik Çalışmalar çatısında strateji, savaş, jeopolitik ve caydırıcılık kimi çeşitli kardeş kavramlarla birarada anılan ve devlet-merkezli, askeri sorunlara odaklanan güvenlik kavramı,…


A 2020 Vision for the Black Sea Region

10 Mayıs 2010

The Black Sea region is coming into its own - but it is a contested and sometimes dangerous neighbourhood. It has undergone countless political transformations over time. And now, once again, it is becoming the subject of an intense debate. This reflects the changing dynamics of the Black Sea countries…


Turkey ignoring NATO allies for its neighbors

26 Aralık 2008

Turkey has been gradually marginalized in NATO, cautioned professor Mustafa Aydın, head of the department of International Relations of TOBB University, and his colleague Associate professor Mithat Çelikpala, speaking to Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review on the sidelines of a comprehensive security academy program Wednesday. "Is Turkey forgetting its…


Avrupa 17 Aralık'ta Brüksel'de Neyi Tartıştı? Uzun İnce Yolda Zihinsel Sınırlamalar ve Türkiye'nin AB Macerası

11 Ocak 2005

17 Aralık 2004’de Brüksel’de toplanan Avrupa Birliği devlet ve hükümet başkanları sadece 3 sayfa ve 6 maddesi Türkiye’yle ilgili, ekleriyle birlikte toplam 27 sayfa ve 83 maddeden oluşan bir bildiri yayınladı. Üyelik süreciyle ilgili tartışmaların toz dumanı arasında az sayıdaki uzman dışında Türkiye’de hemen hiç kimsenin tamamını okuma zahmetine katlanmadığı,…


Komşunuzu Sevin Geniş Avrupa mı, Genişletilmiş Avrupa mı?

10 Mart 2004

Avrupa Birliği (AB) yeniden genişleme sürecine girdi. 1 Mayıs 2004’te vuslata erecek. 10 ülke görülebilir gelecekte üye olmaları muhtemel son ülkeler olmayacak. Bulgaristan ve Romanya’nın 2007, Türkiye’nin 2015 civarında, “Batı Balkan” ülkelerinin ise arada bir yerlerde Birliğe katılımları gerçekleştiğinde, AB artık nihai sınırlarına yaklaşmış olacak. Bu genişlemeler Avrupa kıtasının haritasını…
