Int. Organizations

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Halk TV'de Özlem Gürses'in Gündem Özel Programına Konuk Oldu

09 Eylül 2020

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Halk Tv'de yayınlanan Özlem Gürses'in sunduğu Gündem Özel programında ABD'deki Başkanlık Seçimleri'ne ve seçimlerin ardından Türkiye-ABD ilişkisinin nasıl olacağına, Türkiye-NATO ilişkilerinin geleceğine, Türkiye'nin NATO'dan ayrılması durumunda karşılaşabileceği tehditlere ve Türkiye'nin Suriye politikasına dair görüşlerini belirtti.


Panorama Söyleşileri - VII : Değişen Dünya, Değişen Diplomasi

04 Temmuz 2020

Panorama Söyleşileri kapsamında sanal ortamda bir araya gelen Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın (Kadir Has Üniversitesi), Büyükelçi Namık Tan (E.) ve Doç Dr. Şevket Ovalı (Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi), dünyadaki değişen siyaset yapma pratikleri ve uluslararası ilişkilerin değişen yapısının diplomasi faaliyetlerini ve devletlerin diplomatik kurumlarını nasıl etkilediğini konuştular.


Avrupa Covid-19 Salgınından Nasıl Etkilendi?

26 Nisan 2020

Covid-19 salgınının İtalya’yı ağır şekilde etkilemeye başladığı günlerde, Çin’den İtalya’ya gönderilen tıbbi maske kolileri üzerine yazılan “bizler aynı denizin dalgaları, aynı ağacın yaprakları, aynı bahçenin çiçekleriyiz” dizeleri küresel dayanışmanın sembolü olarak görüldü. Rusya’nın bir NATO müttefiki olan İtalya’ya dokuz nakliye uçağı ile tıbbi teçhizat, sağlık tugayı personeli, virolog ve epidemiyologlar göndermesi…


COVID-19 ve Uluslararası Düzen

23 Nisan 2020

 COVID-19 SONRASI KÜRESEL SİSTEM: ESKİ SORUNLAR, YENİ TRENDLER, Ed. by Ufuk Ulutaş, SAM, 2020 COVID-19’un hayatımıza girmesine paralel şekilde salgının küresel etkileri üzerine yoğun bir tartışma da başladı. Bir tarafta artık hiçbir şeyin eskisi gibi olmayacağını söyleyenler ile sistemde pek bir şeyin değişmeyeceğini ifade edenler, bu tartışmada iki ucu oluşturuyor.…


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Habertürk'te Yayınlanan Para Gündem Programına Konuk Oldu 02.04.2020

02 Nisan 2020

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Habertürk'te yayınlanan Para Gündem programında devletlerin Covid-19 küresel salgınını nasıl yönettiğini, ülkelerin birbirlerine yaptıkları uluslararası yardımların nitekliklerini, neden pandemilerin uluslararası güvenliği çalışanlar tarafından uzun zamandır küresel bir tehdit olarak görüldüğünü ve pandeminin yarattığı sosyal sorunları değerlendirdi.


Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi

04 Ocak 2020

Güvenlik sorunlarının evrimi ile küresel güvenlik gündeminden siber güvenlik, güvenlikleştirme, çatışma bölgesindeki kadınlar, terörle mücadeleye kadar güvenlikle ilgili tüm konularda tarihsel, teorik ve karşılaştırmalı analizler ile genel olarak tüm güvenlik alanını kapsayan, kısa analiz, yorum ve bilgilendirme notlarına yer veren Güvenlik Yazıları serisi, alanında uzman akademisyenler, araştırmacılar ve ilgili teknik personel tarafından Güvenlik…


Turkey ‘on a balancing act between NATO and Russia’

16 Temmuz 2018

Turkey remains fully committed to NATO in practice, and has no willingness to distance itself from the Alliance, according to international relations expert Prof Mustafa Aydın, who adds that the country at the same time develops good relations with Russia “to balance its relations.” “From the Turkish perspective, there is a growing feeling that Turkish…


Turkey’s Western connection

23 Kasım 2017

Turkey’s relations with the West and its organizations have been turbulent and ambivalent ever since the Republic was established in 1923. Independence was won fighting against Western proxies, and Turkish leaders have never forgotten that Western countries previously tried to divide the country. Although early Republican leaders were able to…


Quo vadis Turkish foreign policy

27 Temmuz 2017

The Center for Turkish Studies (CTRS) at Kadir Has University has released the results of its annual Public Perceptions on Turkish Foreign Policy survey last week. It was conducted in 26 cities across Turkey with 1,000 people between June 6-30, and shows the public’s perceptions on foreign policy are generally…


Helmut Kohl’s united Germany and Europe

22 Haziran 2017

Former German Chancellor and statesman Helmut Kohl, the longest-serving postwar Western leader, died at the age of 87 on June 16. Tributes from world leaders showed that Kohl was mostly remembered for his contribution to today’s Germany and European integration. As the architect of the reunification of East and West Germany, he…


European security in the Trump Era

01 Haziran 2017

The NATO summit in Brussels on May 25, three days after the Manchester suicide bomb attack, was an important gathering not only because it brought together the newly elected Donald Trump, Emmanuel Macron and Theresa May with other leaders, but also because they decided to step up NATO’s role in the…


The return of nuclear nightmare

04 Mayıs 2017

North Korea’s nuclear testing and missile development program and U.S. opposition to it has recently turned into a credible threat not only to East Asia, but also to international security. As the frequency of missile and nuclear tests by North Korea have increased substantially in recent years, many experts now…


Power struggle in the Black Sea

30 Mart 2017

Since the Russian annexation of Crimean Peninsula in March 2014, the Black Sea has become one of the areas of confrontation between Russia and the West. In response to Russian aggression towards Ukraine, NATO leaders decided in the Wales Summit on Sept. 4-5, 2014 to increase the Alliance’s deterrence capability…


Türkiye’de muhafazakâr, dindar ve milliyetçi taban büyüyor

01 Mart 2017

Trump’ın ABD başkanlık koltuğuna oturmasıyla başlayan yeni süreçte belirsizlik dönemi halen sürüyor. Henüz seyri tam çizilemeyen Türkiye-ABD ilişkilerini, enerji konusunda öncelikli konu olan ancak tıkanan Kıbrıs görüşmelerini, artan sağ ve sol popülizmin seçimler arifesindeki AB’ye etkilerini, Rusya meselesini, yaklaşan referandum dahil Türk halkının siyasal sosyal eğilimlerini Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü…


Quo Vadis Europe?

09 Şubat 2017

The rise of populist leaders around the world continues to astound many, though it is obvious by now that this will be the defining feature of early 21st century politics. Not long after U.S. President Donald Trump talked about “economic protectionism” and issued a presidential directive to suspend the admission…


Tug-of-War in the South China Sea

28 Temmuz 2016

The tumult in the Middle East and North Africa following the outbreak of the Arab Spring in late 2010 and subsequent rise of radicalism created insecurity not only for the region, but also for the whole world with its spillover effects. The international developments in recent years such as Russia’s…


Prof. Dr. Aydın; “İŞİD, Suriye ve Irak’ta sıkıştıkça terör saldırılarındaki yöntemini de değiştiriyor”

15 Temmuz 2016

Fransa’daki 14 Temmuz Ulusal Gün kutlamalarında meydana gelen terör saldırısından sonra gözler tekrar terör örgütü İŞİD’e çevrilirken,terör saldırısında kullandığı yöntemde yeni bir tartışma konusu oldu. İstanbul Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Fransa’daki terör saldırısıyla ve İŞİD’in saldırıda kullandığı yöntem ile ilgili dikkat çeken açıklamalarda bulundu. İŞİD’in son…


Restoring NATO’s deterrence

14 Temmuz 2016

The heads of state and government of the 28 NATO member countries gathered in Warsaw on July 8-9, along with Montenegro, whose membership is going to be ratified soon, and 26 partner countries and representatives from several international organizations. The Warsaw Summit was a landmark gathering for NATO due to…


Towards NATO’s Warsaw summit

19 Mayıs 2016

The official activation of NATO’s first land-based ballistic missile defense system in Deveselu, a former air base in southern Romania, on May 12, has added another layer to the already strained relationship between Russia and the West. The security assessments for the eastern and southern flanks of NATO have been…


Towards a new Cold War

18 Şubat 2016

The rapid changes and escalated tension in the Syrian civil war have been occupying international agenda for a very long time. Indeed, it has become a crucial issue for global security with its convoluted social, economic, humanitarian, military, and geostrategic aspects. The complexity of the situation was once again reflected…


Yet another glimmer of hope in Cyprus

21 Ocak 2016

Looking through the recent punditry on Cyprus, one inevitably feels a sense of déjà vu, as there appears to be nothing new regarding the age-old problem of the Eastern Mediterranean. So far, we have witnessed countless the best and the last hopes/chances before the inescapable train crash in the long,…


Turkish perceptions on foreign policy

14 Ocak 2016

Turkey is a complicated country. It’s not just foreign observers – citizens also fail to make sense from time to time given the fast-changing agenda. Thus, regular public opinion surveys are welcome as they provide rare insights about the preferences of the Turkish public. One such survey, the Turkey Social…


Hybrid warfare and international security

24 Aralık 2015

The international security agenda and the theoretical ways to study it have expanded tremendously since the end of the Cold War. Once the strict control of the global east-west military ideological rivalry lifted, various new threats and ways to analyze them emerged. These were the issues discussed in a three-day…


Ignore at your own peril

19 Kasım 2015

The series of coordinated gun attacks and suicide bombings in multiple targets in Paris and Beirut on Nov. 13, 2015, killed at least 170 people and severely wounded several hundred. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility of both attacks in France and Lebanon, once again…


Oops! We got it wrong

05 Kasım 2015

Major wars, along with scientific and technological inventions, have shaped the course of history. The world has witnessed two major wars within a generation and several small ones in the twentieth century, which has been the most destructive era so far. Despite the pain and suffering they cause, armed conflicts…


Mind games in Syria

08 Ekim 2015

The civil war in Syria has entered a new phase with the active involvement of Russia. In reality, Russia has been part of the conflict on the margins since the outbreak of the crisis through its support of President Bashar al-Assad, both with its arms supply and diplomatic clout in…


The Iranian deal

23 Temmuz 2015

After years of thorny negotiations, Iran and the P5+1 countries, consisting of five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany, finally reached an agreement on July 14 to control Iranian nuclear enrichment program. Regardless of the heavy criticism from hardliners on both sides and regional powers, especially Israel, the Joint…


Sports vs. Politics

18 Haziran 2015

Azerbaijan is currently hosting around 6,000 athletes from 50 countries for the first European Games, a new sports event modeled after the Olympic Games. The games kicked off in Baku on June 12 and will continue until June 28, amid criticisms ranging from the cost of the games to human…


Confusion about international affairs

04 Haziran 2015

Although Turkey will hold general elections this Sunday, its foreign policy has been hardly discussed during the propaganda period, except briefly in connection with government’s policies vis-à-vis Syria. Economic promises of contesting parties, discussion on per capita income, unemployment rate and poverty have been dominating the agenda. As in most countries,…


Ready, steady, go!

21 Mayıs 2015

Bu yazı 21.05.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Amid the heated debates about NATO’s collective defense capabilities’ relevance in new, evolving security challenges in its eastern and southern flanks, NATO Foreign Ministers’ Summit met in Antalya, Turkey between 13-14 May 2015. The two-day gathering was the first time since April…


Towards new horizons in Cyprus

07 Mayıs 2015

Bu yazı 07.05.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The presidential election held on April 26, 2015, in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) brought a moderate leftist politician to the presidency. Mustafa Akıncı, who ran as an independent, became the fourth president of the TRNC with 60.5 percent of…


Negotiating with Iran: Stability versus security

26 Mart 2015

Bu yazı 26.03.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Diplomats from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries, made up by five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany, are racing against time in an effort to sketch up an acceptable framework for a comprehensive agreement on Iran’s nuclear…


Europe’s dream army

12 Mart 2015

Bu yazı 12.03.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Amid the debates over whether the Feb. 12, 2015, cease-fire agreement between Ukraine and Russian-supported rebels in the eastern part of the country will hold, and whether the rebels’ next target would be to connect with Russian-occupied Crimea, NATO members including the U.S.,…


Western prevarications

19 Şubat 2015

Bu yazı 19.02.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande brokered a truce between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Feb. 12 in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to subdue the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine. After intense and acrimonious…


United western front on Ukraine

12 Şubat 2015

Bu yazı 12.02.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The fighting between government forces and separatists in eastern Ukraine has flared up again despite attempts to ease the tension through a cease-fire agreement, signed in Minsk on Sept. 5, 2014. After a December lull, the separatists renewed their attacks with not-so-hidden…


Russian matryoshka politics

08 Ocak 2015

Bu yazı 08.01.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a revised version of his country’s military doctrine on Dec. 26, 2014 to replace the document issued by his predecessor Dmitri Medvedev in February 2010. Although some might argue that it was just another official document release…


Geniş Ortadoğu'da NATO'nun Geleceği

09 Aralık 2014

İstanbul Zirvesinde alınan Akdeniz Diyalogu’nun geliştirilmesi, İstanbul İşbirliği Girişimi’nin başlatılması ve Irak güvenlik güçlerinin eğitiminde aktif rol alınması kararlarıyla NATO, yeni dönemde Orta Doğu’da kendisine rol arayan aktörler arasına katıldı. Zirve öncesinde ABD’nin ortaya attığı Büyük Orta Doğu Projesi ve Girişimi’nin yarattığı yoğun ilgi ve tartışmaya karşılık, Zirve’de alınan kararlar…


The G-20 war games

20 Kasım 2014

The leaders of the 20 biggest economies of the world gathered in Brisbane, Australia on Nov. 15-16, 2014 for the annual meeting of the Group of Twenty (G-20). Although the intention was to discuss the state of the global economy and ways to expand it, the tension among member states,…


Re-charging the superpower

06 Kasım 2014

While the U.S.-led coalition was busy bombing the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) forces in Iraq and Syria, a recent probe by the Russian Air Force all over NATO air space and beyond brought back memories of the Cold War and further increased tension between Russia and…


Beyond UN Security Council membership

23 Ekim 2014

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC), with its five veto-wielding permanent members and 10 non-permanent members elected for two years, is considered the supreme and most prestigious body in world affairs. Membership in the council provides visibility and prestige, as well as a strong voice over issues on the U.N.…


Keeping NATO relevant

11 Eylül 2014

Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has been trying valiantly to reform itself to remain relevant in the face of ever changing global threats. Enlarged definitions of threat have been adopted without clear boundaries and accordingly NATO has transformed itself from an alliance of collective defense to a collective security…


What will become of Ukraine?

08 Mayıs 2014

Bu yazı 08.05.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Since the outbreak of the latest crisis in Ukraine in late November 2013, the tension has continued to worsen and the division among citizens has grown, pushing the country nearer to civil war with every passing day. Although the country has so far…


The untenable quadrangle: NATO-US-Russia-Europe

24 Nisan 2014

Bu yazı 24.04.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Russian annexation of Crimea and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine has heightened security concerns of several countries from Baltic to Eastern Europe and from the Caucasus to the Central Asia. NATO’s inability to prevent violations of territorial integrity of its partners, first in Georgia and…


While the international system is crumbling

17 Nisan 2014

Bu yazı 17.04.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The illegal annexation of Crimea and instigation of tension in eastern Ukraine by Russia are rapidly eroding the last vestiges of the international system, created within a hundred years of the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia back in 1648. What is at stake…


Public perceptions on Turkish foreign policy

05 Aralık 2013

Bu yazı 05.12.2013 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The volatility of the neighboring countries and impulsive positions taken by the policy makers have profoundly disturbed Turkey’s foreign policy since the beginning of the Arab spring. Avoiding its ever-changing and easily consumed policy pronouncements, ranging from “zero-problem with neighbors” via “regional…


A 2020 Vision for the Black Sea Region

10 Mayıs 2010

The Black Sea region is coming into its own - but it is a contested and sometimes dangerous neighbourhood. It has undergone countless political transformations over time. And now, once again, it is becoming the subject of an intense debate. This reflects the changing dynamics of the Black Sea countries…


Turkey ignoring NATO allies for its neighbors

26 Aralık 2008

Turkey has been gradually marginalized in NATO, cautioned professor Mustafa Aydın, head of the department of International Relations of TOBB University, and his colleague Associate professor Mithat Çelikpala, speaking to Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review on the sidelines of a comprehensive security academy program Wednesday. "Is Turkey forgetting its…


İşbirliğinden Ortaklığa NATO'nun Akdeniz Diyaloğu ve İstanbul Zirvesi

14 Nisan 2004

Haziran 2004’te İstanbul’da toplanacak olan NATO Devlet Başkanları Zirvesi, İttifakın yeni askeri-sivil yapılanması ile görev ve ilgi alanları konularında önemli tartışmalara tanık olacak. Kasım 2002’de Prag’da toplanan zirvesinde bugüne kadarki en büyük genişlemesine gidecek yolu açan İttifak, İstanbul’da 7 yeni üyesine “hoş geldin” derken, aynı zamanda İttifak dışında kalan ülke…
