
Türkiye- Amerika ilişkilerinin geleceğindeki 4 önemli nokta

11 Kasım 2016

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri başkanlık seçimlerini Donald Trump’ın kazanmasının ardından Türkiye ve Amerika arasındaki ilişkilerin geleceğini değerlendiren Kadir Has Üniversitesi (KHAS) Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın 4 önemli noktaya dikkat çekti. İlk olarak Trump’ın bir Cumhuriyetçi olduğunu unutmamak gerektiğini belirten Prof. Dr. Aydın, Türkiye’nin genellikle Cumhuriyetçilerle daha iyi anlaştığını söyledi. Aydın…


Global challenges for the new US president

10 Kasım 2016

After a heated campaign, Americans elected Donald Trump on Nov. 8 as the next president of their country. The result is also important for the international community because of the United States’ global reach. The contest between a Republican businessman and a former Democrat senator and secretary of state presented…


Final hurdles in Cyprus

03 Kasım 2016

In the middle of a turbulent region, a glimmer of hope has appeared for a solution of the Cyprus problem after five decades of division. The next rounds of talks to hammer down the details of the most difficult issues in the negotiations - i.e. security, territory and the guarantees…


The internet shutdown

27 Ekim 2016

Millions of people all over the world woke up on Oct. 21 to a direct threat to their lifestyles and work. When they tried to go through their social media accounts first thing in the morning, as most of us do nowadays, they could not manage to connect, as the…


Russia’s quest for power

20 Ekim 2016

The international system has been evolving ever since the bipolarity of the Cold War ended. As the unipolar U.S. moment was short lived, and none of the international powers has enough capacity to unilaterally dominate its peers, a somewhat multipolar world system is slowly emerging. Under such conditions, Russia, since…
