Middle East

Odak Suriye – VI: Türkiye’nin Suriye’deki Politikaları

26 Ekim 2020

Panorama ile Güvenlik Portalı ortaklığında geliştirilen ve eş zamanlı yayınlanacak olan “Odak Suriye” programının altıncısı için sanal ortamda bir araya gelen Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın (Kadir Has Üniversitesi), Doç. Dr. Nihat Ali Özcan (TOBB-ETÜ) ve Dr. Kaan Kutlu Ataç (Mersin Üniversitesi) ve Doç. Dr. Serhat Erkmen (Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi) Türkiye’nin Suriye’deki…


Odak Suriye - V: Suriye'deki Son Gelişmeler

08 Ekim 2020

Panorama ile Güvenlik Portalı ortaklığında geliştirilen ve eş zamanlı yayınlanacak olan “Odak Suriye” programının beşincisi için sanal ortamda bir araya gelen Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın (Kadir Has Üniversitesi), Doç. Dr. Nihat Ali Özcan (TOBB-ETÜ) ve Dr. Kaan Kutlu Ataç (Mersin Üniversitesi) ve Doç. Dr. Serhat Erkmen (Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik…


Turkey’s Middle East Policies

11 Ağustos 2020

Changing Security Paradigm in West Asia: Regional and International Responses, Eds. by Meena Singh Roy, Md. Muddassir Quamar, India, 2020, pp. 39-54 Mustafa Aydın & Cihan Dizdaroğlu   Turkey has consistently avoided being part of the regional politics of the Middle East during most of the 20th century and, thus, has not had a…


Odak Suriye - III: ABD’nin Suriye Politikası

23 Haziran 2020

Panorama ile Güvenlik Portalı ortaklığında geliştirilen ve eş zamanlı yayınlanan “Odak Suriye” programının üçüncüsü için 11 Haziran 2020’de sanal ortamda bir araya gelen Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın (Kadir Has Üniversitesi), Doç. Dr. Nihat Ali Özcan (TOBB-ETÜ), Doç. Dr. Serhat Erkmen (Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi) ve Dr. Kaan Kutlu Ataç…


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Habertürk'te Yayınlanan Para Gündem Programı'na Konuk Oldu 09.06.2020

09 Haziran 2020

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Habertürk'te katıldığı Para Gündem Programı'nda iç siyasette yaşanan siyasi partiler kanunu ve seçim yasalarında değişiklik hazırlıklarını, Ayasofya tartışmalarını ve dış politikada hareketlenen Libya ve Doğu Akdeniz meseleleri ile ABD ile ilişkilerin nereye doğru evrileceği hakkında görüşlerini paylaştı.


Odak Suriye Programının İkinci Bölümü Yayınlandı

24 Mayıs 2020

Panorama ile Güvenlik Portalı ortaklığında geliştirilen ve eş zamanlı yayınlanacak olan “Odak Suriye” programının ikincisi için 14 Mayıs 2020’de sanal ortamda bir araya gelen Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın (Kadir Has Üniversitesi), Dr. Kaan Kutlu Ataç (Mersin Üniversitesi) ve Oytun Orhan (ORSAM), Suriye’deki son gelişmeleri ve Suriye-Rusya-İran üçgeninde neler olduğunu tartıştılar.


Prof. Dr Mustafa Aydın Habertürk Tv'de Para Gündem Programına Konuk Oldu 06.01.2020

06 Ocak 2020

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, ABD'nin Kasım Süleymani suikastinin ardından ABD-İran arasındaki gerilimin nereye gidebileceği, her iki ülkenin birbirlerine karşı olana pozisyonlarını, Irak'ın bu suikastin ardından yaşanan gerilimden nasıl etkileneceği ve Türkiye'nin ABD-İran arasındaki gerilimli süreçte nasıl hareket etmesine gerektiğine dair düşüncelerini paylaştı.


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Habertürk'te Para Gündem Programına Konuk Oldu 31.10.2019

01 Kasım 2019

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın konuk olduğu Para Gündem programında ABD Temsilciler Meclisi'nin Türkiye'ye karşı almış olduğu tavır üzerinden ABD-Türkiye ilişkilerini, Suriye'de Rusya ile varılan mutabakatın ön şartı olan 150 saatin bitmesinin ardından güvenli bölgenin nasıl kurulacağı gibi meseleler hakkında görüşlerini paylaştı.


Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın Habertürk Ana Haber Yayınına Konuk Oldu 23.10.2019

24 Ekim 2019

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, konuk olarak bağlandığı Habertürk Ana Haber'de, Türkiye'nin Barış Pınarı Harekatı'nı takip eden süreçte ABD ve Rusya ile yapmış olduğu anlaşmaları değerlendirdi. Suriye'den yeni bir safhaya geçiliyor mu ve aktörlerin bundan sonraki pozisyonları neler olacak soruları hakkında görüşlerini aktardı.


The Levant; Search for a Regional Order, 2018

14 Ocak 2019

The Levant; Search for a Regional Order, 2018   The rapid developments of recent years have drastically altered the political and economic landscapes of most countries in the Levant. Faced with a myriad of challenges, the (re)construction of a regional order in the region remains a highly complex and difficult…


Turkey’s undeclared operation in Iraq

07 Haziran 2018

On the eve of parliamentary and presidential elections, Turkey has been quietly maintaining its constant air and ground pressure against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Iraq and edging slowly and cautiously towards the Qandil Mountains ever since “Operation Olive Branch” in Syria’s Afrin ended late March 2018. Although preparation of the ground on the Turkish side…


The suffering of Gazans continues

24 Mayıs 2018

It has been 70 years since the creation of Israel and 101 years since the Balfour Declaration, calling for a national home for Jews in the former Ottoman lands. On whatever occasion the beginning of the longest running land dispute in the Middle East is dated, the Arab-Israeli conflict has undoubtedly dominated modern politics…


Syria at a crossroads

05 Nisan 2018

The Syrian civil war has entered its eight year with no sign of ending soon. On the contrary, the further entanglement of regional and international actors in the conflict hints at a likely continuation of violence. The humanitarian aspect of the civil war has already become the biggest ever crisis…


‘Rex-it’ effect in US foreign policy

22 Mart 2018

Since the beginning of his presidency, Donald Trump has been astonishing global watchers with his unpredictable, harsh, and sometimes reckless style in policy implementation. Most recently, he fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, announcing on Twitter that he would be replaced by Mike Pompeo, director of the CIA. Despite all…


Messages from Moscow

23 Şubat 2018

International forums that bring policy makers, experts and journalists together have become important platforms in the post-cold war era to deliver political messages and induce debate in a semi-friendly atmosphere. The Munich Security Conference or Davos Economic Forum have become such occasions, and are eagerly attended by policy-makers and analysts.…


The Syrian reckoning

15 Şubat 2018

The Syrian civil war is soon to enter its eighth year. While both the number and willpower of non-state actors have been in steady decline, state actors have become more visible and increasingly assertive. The level of complexity has deepened accordingly. The conflict has already claimed more than half a…


‘Operation Olive Branch’

25 Ocak 2018

Turkey’s long-awaited operation to “eliminate all terrorist elements” in the Afrin district in Syria’s northwest, called “Operation Olive Branch,” started at around 5 p.m. on Jan. 20 with Turkish air forces striking targets across the region. This is Turkey’s fourth military operation in Syria since the start of a civil…


Deciphering the unrest in Iran

04 Ocak 2018

Iran’s influence in the Middle East has been strengthening since the 9/11 attacks, after which U.S. operations devastated and weakened Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries that had for decades kept Iran in check. It has also benefitted from the power vacuum left behind in the wake of the withdrawal of…


Trump’s national security strategy

28 Aralık 2017

Starting from his election campaign, United States President Donald Trump has been a controversial politician, drawing attention with his unprecedented statements, actions and tweets. While he is about to complete his first year in office amid constant talk of wrongdoing and possible impeachment, Trump has already demonstrated that he would…


Putin’s gambit in Syria

30 Kasım 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Sochi, Russia, on Nov. 22. The trilateral summit was an important juncture in finding a viable political solution for Syria’s six-year civil war, which has claimed nearly half a million lives. Since the early…


Post-referendum tension in Iraq

02 Kasım 2017

Iraq has been in turmoil one way or another since Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, decided to invade Iran in September 1980. The latest twist in the 37 years of turbulence came with the decision of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Masoud Barzani to hold an…


Quo vadis Turkish foreign policy

27 Temmuz 2017

The Center for Turkish Studies (CTRS) at Kadir Has University has released the results of its annual Public Perceptions on Turkish Foreign Policy survey last week. It was conducted in 26 cities across Turkey with 1,000 people between June 6-30, and shows the public’s perceptions on foreign policy are generally…


What’s next against ISIL?

13 Temmuz 2017

Nearly nine months after the start of the offensive against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) to retake Mosul after three years, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory and government control of his country’s second largest city on July 9. But the city is devastated, thousands…


Back to basics in Turkish foreign policy

27 Nisan 2017

Situated in the middle of a crisis-prone neighborhood, Turkey can hardly ignore developments around itself for long. But that is exactly what has happened, as it has been focused on domestic politics since 2014 with a seemingly constant election cycle. Although the possibility of holding another early election is still being…


Türkiye’de muhafazakâr, dindar ve milliyetçi taban büyüyor

01 Mart 2017

Trump’ın ABD başkanlık koltuğuna oturmasıyla başlayan yeni süreçte belirsizlik dönemi halen sürüyor. Henüz seyri tam çizilemeyen Türkiye-ABD ilişkilerini, enerji konusunda öncelikli konu olan ancak tıkanan Kıbrıs görüşmelerini, artan sağ ve sol popülizmin seçimler arifesindeki AB’ye etkilerini, Rusya meselesini, yaklaşan referandum dahil Türk halkının siyasal sosyal eğilimlerini Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü…


The logjam in Syria and Iraq

23 Şubat 2017

A few days ago, the Iraqi army launched its second offensive in the last six months to recapture Mosul from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) that has controlled the city and its surroundings for almost three years. Although the first operation by the Iraqi forces, with…


Good riddance, 2016

29 Aralık 2016

As the year comes to an end, looking back might provide insights for the challenges ahead. 2016 will be remembered as a watershed year in the future for the international system. The unpredictability of change, fear of the unknown and the horrors of unabated violence around the world have stamped…


Desperation in Syria

08 Aralık 2016

It has been six years since the so-called Arab Spring hit North Africa and the Middle East. The subsequent uprisings that began with popular anti-government protests in several countries for equality, representation, and better life conditions turned into a deadly civil war in Syria, after security forces used excessive force…


Trump stump in foreign policy

17 Kasım 2016

Following the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president on Nov. 8, debate on his foreign policy priorities have become the trending topic with their repercussions for the United States and beyond. Although he never explained the details of his policy choices throughout the election campaign, his off-the-cuff remarks about…


Türkiye- Amerika ilişkilerinin geleceğindeki 4 önemli nokta

11 Kasım 2016

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri başkanlık seçimlerini Donald Trump’ın kazanmasının ardından Türkiye ve Amerika arasındaki ilişkilerin geleceğini değerlendiren Kadir Has Üniversitesi (KHAS) Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın 4 önemli noktaya dikkat çekti. İlk olarak Trump’ın bir Cumhuriyetçi olduğunu unutmamak gerektiğini belirten Prof. Dr. Aydın, Türkiye’nin genellikle Cumhuriyetçilerle daha iyi anlaştığını söyledi. Aydın…


Global challenges for the new US president

10 Kasım 2016

After a heated campaign, Americans elected Donald Trump on Nov. 8 as the next president of their country. The result is also important for the international community because of the United States’ global reach. The contest between a Republican businessman and a former Democrat senator and secretary of state presented…


Russia’s quest for power

20 Ekim 2016

The international system has been evolving ever since the bipolarity of the Cold War ended. As the unipolar U.S. moment was short lived, and none of the international powers has enough capacity to unilaterally dominate its peers, a somewhat multipolar world system is slowly emerging. Under such conditions, Russia, since…


YPG Menbiç'ten Çekildi | Habertürk - EGazete

26 Ağustos 2016

Türkiye'nin Suriye ile pozisyonunu değiştirmiş olmasını Rusya'nın kendi hanesine artı olarak yazdığını savunan Mustafa Aydın, Cerablus'un tek başına bir şey ifade etmediğini, en önemli konunun operasyon öncesinde öngörülen 90'a 40 km'lik alanın mutlaka koruma altına alınması gerektiğini söyledi. Aydın, "tüm alanın kontrol edilebilmesi için hem İŞİD'den hem de Kürtlerden arındırılması…


Lessons from the Chilcot Report

21 Temmuz 2016

The U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003 lit the fuse of long-term conflict and chaos not just in Iraq, but also throughout the Middle East. As the Pandora’s Box opened up gradually, ethnic and sectarian strife, radicalism, suicide attacks and all around conflict have become the daily routine for…


Prof. Dr. Aydın; “İŞİD, Suriye ve Irak’ta sıkıştıkça terör saldırılarındaki yöntemini de değiştiriyor”

15 Temmuz 2016

Fransa’daki 14 Temmuz Ulusal Gün kutlamalarında meydana gelen terör saldırısından sonra gözler tekrar terör örgütü İŞİD’e çevrilirken,terör saldırısında kullandığı yöntemde yeni bir tartışma konusu oldu. İstanbul Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Fransa’daki terör saldırısıyla ve İŞİD’in saldırıda kullandığı yöntem ile ilgili dikkat çeken açıklamalarda bulundu. İŞİD’in son…


Restoring NATO’s deterrence

14 Temmuz 2016

The heads of state and government of the 28 NATO member countries gathered in Warsaw on July 8-9, along with Montenegro, whose membership is going to be ratified soon, and 26 partner countries and representatives from several international organizations. The Warsaw Summit was a landmark gathering for NATO due to…


Progress in fighting against ISIL

23 Haziran 2016

The most recent offensive against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq and Syria has paved the way to retaking several sites held by ISIL for a long time. Last Friday, the Iraqi army and the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), made up of mainly Shia militias,…


Quo Vadis Saudi Arabia

12 Mayıs 2016

The replacement of long-serving ministries and restructuring of several influential governmental institutions in Saudi Arabia, with a series of royal decrees announced on May 7, has led to an international debate on a possible shift in the country’s domestic and foreign policies. With the latest decrees, the 31-year-old Deputy Crown…


Iranian elections and beyond

03 Mart 2016

The latest elections for the Iranian Parliament (the Majlis) and the Assembly of Experts took place on Feb. 26, 2016. Since the signing of the breakthrough nuclear agreement, the joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, between Iran and the P5+1 countries on July 2015, and the gradual lifting of international sanctions,…


Towards a new Cold War

18 Şubat 2016

The rapid changes and escalated tension in the Syrian civil war have been occupying international agenda for a very long time. Indeed, it has become a crucial issue for global security with its convoluted social, economic, humanitarian, military, and geostrategic aspects. The complexity of the situation was once again reflected…


The Iran question

28 Ocak 2016

Six months after the breakthrough deal between Iran and the P5+1 group in July 2015, the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, International Atomic Energy Agency, declared on Jan. 16 that Iran has complied with the initial requirements of the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.” As a result, the U.N. sanctions on Iran…


Turkish perceptions on foreign policy

14 Ocak 2016

Turkey is a complicated country. It’s not just foreign observers – citizens also fail to make sense from time to time given the fast-changing agenda. Thus, regular public opinion surveys are welcome as they provide rare insights about the preferences of the Turkish public. One such survey, the Turkey Social…


A quagmire for everyone

12 Kasım 2015

As predicted, Russia started to feel the ugly face of the Syrian quandary. After a flashy entrance, Russian forces are settling in for a long haul and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) affiliates are biting them. The most direct attack, befitting a radical extremist group, came on…


Oops! We got it wrong

05 Kasım 2015

Major wars, along with scientific and technological inventions, have shaped the course of history. The world has witnessed two major wars within a generation and several small ones in the twentieth century, which has been the most destructive era so far. Despite the pain and suffering they cause, armed conflicts…


Europe’s refugee saga

22 Ekim 2015

The European Union has been struggling to cope with the steady influx of people fleeing from turmoil, conflicts and harsh conditions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia for years. But the matters came to a tipping point after mainly Syrian and Afghan refugees pushed their way onto the EU…


US ramblings in Syria

15 Ekim 2015

The Russian military build-up and bombing in Syria has added to the already existing tension between Russia and the West since the former’s occupation of Crimea, and has prompted a new confrontation area on NATO’s southeastern flank in addition to difficulties on the eastern flank. Russia’s deliberate violations of Turkish…


Mind games in Syria

08 Ekim 2015

The civil war in Syria has entered a new phase with the active involvement of Russia. In reality, Russia has been part of the conflict on the margins since the outbreak of the crisis through its support of President Bashar al-Assad, both with its arms supply and diplomatic clout in…


The Iranian deal

23 Temmuz 2015

After years of thorny negotiations, Iran and the P5+1 countries, consisting of five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany, finally reached an agreement on July 14 to control Iranian nuclear enrichment program. Regardless of the heavy criticism from hardliners on both sides and regional powers, especially Israel, the Joint…


Quo Vadis Hellás?

09 Temmuz 2015

Greece held a referendum on July 5 to decide the future of a country on the brink of economic collapse. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who came to power in January by committing himself to end the austerity measures that have strangulated the country since 2010, while also promising to keep…


Confusion about international affairs

04 Haziran 2015

Although Turkey will hold general elections this Sunday, its foreign policy has been hardly discussed during the propaganda period, except briefly in connection with government’s policies vis-à-vis Syria. Economic promises of contesting parties, discussion on per capita income, unemployment rate and poverty have been dominating the agenda. As in most countries,…


NATO Siber Suçları da İçeren Hibrit Tehditleri Değerlendirdi

22 Mayıs 2015

Türkiye’nin ev sahipliğinde 13-14 Mayıs 2015 tarihlerinde Antalya’da gerçekleştirilen NATO Dışişleri Bakanları Zirvesi’ne paralel olarak düzenlenen “NATO Gençlik Zirvesi”ne katılan Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, NATO üye ülkelerinden toplantıya katılan geleceğin liderleriyle, değişen uluslararası güvenlik gündemi ve NATO’nun söz konusu tehditlerle başa çıkma yöntemleri konusunda görüşlerini paylaştı. NATO Gençlik Zirvesi’nin açılışını…


Ready, steady, go!

21 Mayıs 2015

Bu yazı 21.05.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Amid the heated debates about NATO’s collective defense capabilities’ relevance in new, evolving security challenges in its eastern and southern flanks, NATO Foreign Ministers’ Summit met in Antalya, Turkey between 13-14 May 2015. The two-day gathering was the first time since April…


Negotiating with Iran: Stability versus security

26 Mart 2015

Bu yazı 26.03.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. Diplomats from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries, made up by five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany, are racing against time in an effort to sketch up an acceptable framework for a comprehensive agreement on Iran’s nuclear…


Toward the end of the Syrian conundrum

19 Mart 2015

Bu yazı 19.03.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The fighting in Syria, which started with an uprising against the Bashar al-Assad regime and transformed into a deadly civil war, has entered its fifth year. As of January 2015, it has claimed over 220,000 lives, displaced 7.6 million people inside Syria,…


‘Süleyman Şah Operasyonu ne kahramanlık ne de hezimet’

25 Şubat 2015

Süleyman Şah Türbesi ve Saygı Karakolu tahliye operasyonunu ne kahramanlık ne de hezimet olarak değerlendirmemek gerektiğini belirten Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, operasyon kapsamında PYD ile yapılan işbirliğinin ise barış sürecine katkı sağlayacağını söyledi. Halep’in Karakozak köyünde bulunan ve Türkiye’nin kendi sınırları dışında sahip olduğu tek toprak…


2014 Dünyasından Akılda Kalanlar

12 Şubat 2015

Gelenektir; yeni yıl başlayınca eskisinin bilançosu yapılır, geleceğe dair beklentiler dile getirilir. Ben de bu sayıda 2014 boyunca Türkiye’ye yakın coğrafyalarda yaşanan siyasi gelişmeleri gözden geçirerek, geçtiğimiz yıl gündemi meşgul eden yeni ve eski(meyen) sorunlara bakmak, 2015’de önümüzü görmemize yardım edecek süreçleri tanı(mla)mak istedim. Bu tür kısa bir yazıyla tüm…


What do the Turks want?

22 Ocak 2015

Bu yazı 22.01.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The choices of citizens of a country on various issues are important parts of the inputs that governments receive during their decision-making process, so governments try to gauge the perceptions of the public more or less accurately. In democratic societies, public opinion…


The challenge of non-state extremism

15 Ocak 2015

Bu yazı 15.01.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The massacre at the office of satire magazine Charlie Hebdo in France on Jan. 7, 2015 topped headlines all over the world throughout last week, and world leaders marched across Paris to pay tribute to the victims and protest senseless violence against…


Geniş Ortadoğu'da NATO'nun Geleceği

09 Aralık 2014

İstanbul Zirvesinde alınan Akdeniz Diyalogu’nun geliştirilmesi, İstanbul İşbirliği Girişimi’nin başlatılması ve Irak güvenlik güçlerinin eğitiminde aktif rol alınması kararlarıyla NATO, yeni dönemde Orta Doğu’da kendisine rol arayan aktörler arasına katıldı. Zirve öncesinde ABD’nin ortaya attığı Büyük Orta Doğu Projesi ve Girişimi’nin yarattığı yoğun ilgi ve tartışmaya karşılık, Zirve’de alınan kararlar…


Quo Vadis in negotiations with Iran?

27 Kasım 2014

The negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries, that is, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany, regarding Iran’s nuclear enrichment program was extended on Monday for another seven months, just hours before the deadline. Though the negotiators had maintained their optimism throughout…


Biden Anlaşmazlıkları Giderebilecek mi?

21 Kasım 2014

ABD Başkan Yardımcısı Joe Biden'ın Türkiye ziyareti öncesinde dış politika uzmanları iki ülke arasındaki ilişkileri, görüş ayrılığı yaşanan konulara ilişkin beklentileri Amerika'nın Sesi'ne değerlendirdi. Türkiye ile ABD ilişkilerinde Suriye ve Irak ekseninde Başkan Yardımcısı Joe Biden’ın İstanbul ziyaretiyle “uzlaşma” olabileceği beklentisi şimdilik düşük görülüyor. Dış politika uzmanlarından Prof.Dr. Mustafa Aydın,…


Obama’s quest to establish a legacy

13 Kasım 2014

The midterm Congressional Elections in the U.S. on Nov. 4 marked a setback for the Obama Administration, as Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 2006. The Republicans have already owned the majority of seats in the House of Representatives since 2010, and have…


Beyond UN Security Council membership

23 Ekim 2014

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC), with its five veto-wielding permanent members and 10 non-permanent members elected for two years, is considered the supreme and most prestigious body in world affairs. Membership in the council provides visibility and prestige, as well as a strong voice over issues on the U.N.…


Choosing the lesser evil

02 Ekim 2014

After being stopped in front of Kirkuk with the combination of the resistance from Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and U.S. air strikes, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has carried the fighting into Syria and has been battling with Kurdish groups in Ayn al-Arab, known as Kobane/Kobani in…


Yet another round of killings in Gaza

17 Temmuz 2014

The prolonged problem of the Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was propelled to the top of the world agenda two weeks ago with yet another round of senseless killings. The chain of events started with the abduction on June 12 and later killing of three Israeli teenagers in the West…


The Iraqi conundrum

10 Temmuz 2014

On June 30, after taking control of various cities in Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), now known as the Islamic State (IS), declared an Islamic state and proclaimed its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the Caliph of this new state. This is a…


Tough decisions in Iraq for Obama

26 Haziran 2014

The struggle for Iraq’s soul is getting more intense every passing day. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which spearheaded the latest uprising from predominantly Sunni areas, has continued to advance towards the south, capturing new towns along the way to Baghdad. Last week, it took control of…


Armageddon in the Middle East

19 Haziran 2014

Bu yazı 19.06.2014 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The recent developments in Iraq have once again called the state borders of the Middle East into question. In reality, the initial signs for change came with the end of the Cold War, accelerated with the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and took…


Public perceptions on Turkish foreign policy

05 Aralık 2013

Bu yazı 05.12.2013 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. The volatility of the neighboring countries and impulsive positions taken by the policy makers have profoundly disturbed Turkey’s foreign policy since the beginning of the Arab spring. Avoiding its ever-changing and easily consumed policy pronouncements, ranging from “zero-problem with neighbors” via “regional…


ABD İran'ı vurur mu?

23 Aralık 2009

ABD yeni bir savaşa mı hazırlanıyor yoksa sadece gözdağı mı veriyor? George W. Bush döneminden beri dünyayı tedirgin eden bir soru bu... Irak savaşının sonuçları ortadayken zor bir ihtimal gibi görünse de, ABD’nin kendisine ‘kafa tutan’ İran’a karşı askeriyaptırım uygulamak zorunda kalacağını düşünenler de var... ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı Michael Mullen’in…
