Kitap Bölümleri | Book Chapters

Turkey’s Middle East Policies

11 Ağustos 2020

Changing Security Paradigm in West Asia: Regional and International Responses, Eds. by Meena Singh Roy, Md. Muddassir Quamar, India, 2020, pp. 39-54 Mustafa Aydın & Cihan Dizdaroğlu   Turkey has consistently avoided being part of the regional politics of the Middle East during most of the 20th century and, thus, has not had a…


COVID-19 ve Uluslararası Düzen

23 Nisan 2020

 COVID-19 SONRASI KÜRESEL SİSTEM: ESKİ SORUNLAR, YENİ TRENDLER, Ed. by Ufuk Ulutaş, SAM, 2020 COVID-19’un hayatımıza girmesine paralel şekilde salgının küresel etkileri üzerine yoğun bir tartışma da başladı. Bir tarafta artık hiçbir şeyin eskisi gibi olmayacağını söyleyenler ile sistemde pek bir şeyin değişmeyeceğini ifade edenler, bu tartışmada iki ucu oluşturuyor.…


Geopolitics and Gas-Transit Security Through Pipelines

19 Nisan 2020

Regulations in the Energy Industry: Financial, Economic and Legal Implications, Ed. by André Dorsman, Özgür Arslan-Ayaydin, James Thewissen, Springer, 2020 The ownership, production, and transportation of energy became integral parts of global discussions about security, politics, economics, and finance after the oil crises of the 1970s. The first such crisis from October 1973 to…


Turkish-American Relations

15 Şubat 2020

Despite the inequality between Turkey and the United States (US) from many aspects and disparity in various issues over the years, Turkish-American relations have more than 200 years of history. The heydays of the relations as well as the deepest points were experienced during the Cold War. The relationship at…
