Oops! We got it wrong

05 Kasım 2015

Major wars, along with scientific and technological inventions, have shaped the course of history. The world has witnessed two major wars within a generation and several small ones in the twentieth century, which has been the most destructive era so far. Despite the pain and suffering they cause, armed conflicts…


Europe’s refugee saga

22 Ekim 2015

The European Union has been struggling to cope with the steady influx of people fleeing from turmoil, conflicts and harsh conditions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia for years. But the matters came to a tipping point after mainly Syrian and Afghan refugees pushed their way onto the EU…


US ramblings in Syria

15 Ekim 2015

The Russian military build-up and bombing in Syria has added to the already existing tension between Russia and the West since the former’s occupation of Crimea, and has prompted a new confrontation area on NATO’s southeastern flank in addition to difficulties on the eastern flank. Russia’s deliberate violations of Turkish…


Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramlarında Ana Akımlara Yeniden Bakış

15 Ekim 2015

ULUSLARARASI İLİŞKİLER, CİLT 12, SAYI 46, 2015 Mustafa AYDIN ve Sinem AKGÜL AÇIKMEŞE* Uluslararası İlişkiler’in (Uİ) “büyük tartışma”larının sona erdiğine dair görüş alanın yazarlarının büyük çoğunluğu tarafından dile getirilmektedir. Bugün disiplinin ana dergilerinde büyük kuramsal tartışmalara yapılan atıflar önemli ölçüde azalmıştır ve en kayda değer münazaralar kuramlar/paradigmalar arasında değil, daha…
