Τουρκικη Εξωτερικη Πολιτικη; Σκελετος Και Αναλυση - Turkish Foreign Policy; Framework and Analysis
Reach the PDF. Reference: Aydın, Mustafa (2004) Τουρκικη Εξωτερικη Πολιτικη; Σκελετος Και Αναλυση, Atina: Institute for Defence Studies.
devamıReach the PDF. Reference: Aydın, Mustafa (2004) Τουρκικη Εξωτερικη Πολιτικη; Σκελετος Και Αναλυση, Atina: Institute for Defence Studies.
devamıIt is said that a messenger from Sultan Selim III, who greeted Naval Captain William Bainbridge, the first American official to visit Istanbul, upon noticing the stars in the US flag remarked that it was 'a good omen of the future of friendly discourse which would exist between the two…
devamıTareq Y. Ismael and Mustafa Aydin explore Turkey's role within a globalizing world and, as a new century unfolds, examine a nation at the crossroads of both time and space within the international political order. The volume discusses potential policies and their suspected implications for Turkey and its people in…
devamıJOURNAL OF SOUTHERN EUROPE AND THE BALKANS, 2003 Turkish–Greek problems are not new. They are well delineated and have remained dormant until very recently when the EU Helsinki summit in 1999 took a decision to accept Turkey's candidature, accompanied by lifting of the Greek veto on Turkish membership aspirations and…
devamıSTRADİGMA.COM, AYLIK STRATEJİ VE ANALİZ E-DERGİSİ, MAYIS 2003, SAYI 4 Bu sorunun en kısa cevabı "elbette onu yönetmek istiyor" olacaktır. Fakat, ABD basit bir şekilde dünyayı yönetmenin ötesinde, onu kendi arzuladığı şekilde şekillendirmek de istediği ve bu durum hepimizi doğrudan etkilediği için, derinliği olmayan basit gözlemlerin ötesinde bu yargının arka planını incelemek…